#05. Effect of olive oil on skin

“Effect of olive oil on skin” is a chapter in the book: Olives and Olive Oil in Health and Disease Prevention, (pp.1125-1132).

Parts of the abstract, published in ResearchGate, in 2010, by Diana Badiu, Rafael Luque, and Rajkumar Rajendram:

The popularity of cosmetics derived from natural sources is increasing. Such products are ecologically “ethical” and are effective and safe to use.

Vitamin E is the main lipophilic antioxidant that inhibits peroxidation, especially if associated with “natural” moisturizers such as the lipids in olive oil and olive extract. Vegetable oils containing EFAs have proven to be of great use in the production of cosmetics as either active incipient or raw materials for the synthesis of novel compounds. EFAs are easily integrated into the skin’s hydro-lipid film and are nourishing, moisturizing, and protective.

Some of these substances have been used for centuries yet can still meet the needs of today’s consumers. Apart from their moisturizing and soothing effects, and anti-inflammatory and immune-modulatory function, these products reduce aging of the skin with their antioxidant, stabilizing action on the cellular membranes. Treatment with olive oil has no side effects. Olive oil does not burn or traumatize the skin.

More scientific research:

  • Virgin olive oil as a fundamental nutritional component and skin protector – ReasearchGate
  • Olive Oil in Botanical Cosmeceuticals – ResearchGate
  • Enhancement of antioxidant and skin moisturizing effects of olive oil by incorporation into microemulsions – ResearchGate
  • The foundation for the use of olive oil in skin care and botanical cosmeceuticals – ResearchGate


  • How to Use Olive Oil on Your Face – WikiHow

More scientific research on the website Cretan Garden: go here

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